Appendix D - Laces Data Dictionary
Data Element Keys:
RF = Required for Federal compliance.
RM = Required for data management.
**Not required to create student file but should still make the effort to fill-in the information if available.
Student Records
Student Demographic Record
Every student that accrues 1 or more contact hours must have a student demographic record that includes the following information:
- Intake Date (RM)
- Record the date of initial intake into the program.
- This date should be on or before any other student activity (attendance, assessment, class entry. etc.)
- Do not update this date. It is to remain as the initial entry date.
- SSN (or ITIN) **
- Record the learner’s Social Security Number or ITIN if provided.
- Must come from a signed consent form.
- Not required for services.
- Last Name (RM)
- First Name (RM)
- Middle Name
- Include middle name when necessary to avoid duplications.
- Primary Program (RM)
- ALWAYS record “Adult Education” here
- Secondary Program (RM)
- If the student is funded using sec. 243 funds for an Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education grant, you must indicate IELCE using the Secondary Program field.
- The IELCE field can be updated after intake in the Education tab>Educational panel>Secondary Program field.
- Note: This field should be updated at re-entry of a new program year if the student transitions out of IELCE; it should not be updated mid-year.
- ESL (RF)
- Mark “Yes” by checking the provided checkbox if the learner is in a program of instruction designed to help adults with limited English proficiency achieve competence in the English language.
- Mark “No” by leaving the checkbox blank if the student is an Adult Basic Education program of instruction.
- Residence Area **
- Mark “Rural” for learners that reside in a place with a population of less than 2,500 that is not near any metropolitan area with a population greater than 50,000, or in a city with adjacent areas of high density.
- Mark “Urban” for all other learners (default value).
- Birth Date (RF)
- Gender (RF)
- Is Hispanic/Latino (RF)
- Mark “Yes” if student identifies as Hispanic or Latino, otherwise mark “No”
- Race (RF)
- Mark one or more race selections.
- Mark “White” if student does not identify with any of the races.
- Highest Education Level Completed on Entry (RF)
- Mark one of the choices as appropriate.
- For learners that attended schools that did not use a traditional grade system, use years of schooling (e.g. Six years of Schooling = 6th Grade).
- Note: This field is not updated after initial intake.
- Highest Education Level Completed on Entry Location (RF)
- Mark one of the choices as appropriate.
- Note: This field is not updated after initial intake.
- Employment Status (RF)
- Mark one of the following as appropriate:
- Employed
- Unemployed (seeking or available for employment)
- Not in Labor Force
- Employment with Separation Notice
- Note: Do not make futures changes to this record. Track employment changes in the learner’s Work History folder by adding new records.
- Note: This field does not need to be updated at the start of a new program year but should be updated for any exit of 90 or more days, in both the 2nd and 4th quarter after exit.
- Barriers to Employment (RF)
- Mark “Yes” if the learner has one or more barriers.
- Mark one or more barriers as appropriate (RF if marked Yes)
- Otherwise mark “No”
- Mailing Address (RM)
- Phone Numbers (RM)
- Home Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Work Phone
- Record as many phone numbers as provided.
- Email Address **
- Record email address if provided
- Contact Preference **
- Correctional (RF)
- Mark “Yes” for learners that reside in a correctional institution (prison, jail, half-way house, etc.)
- Mark “No” for all other learners (default value).
- Note: This field must be updated at re-entry in the program year for learners that leave corrections. This should not be changed midyear.
- Minor with Adult Status (RM)
- Mark this if learner is under the age of eighteen and has shown proof of eligibility.
- Specific Learning Disability **
- Mark one of the “Yes” answers if appropriate.
- Mark “No” for all other learners (default value).
- Data Sharing Agreed (RF)
- Mark Yes if the student (or parent if appropriate) agreed to data sharing.
- A State AEFLA Program Data Sharing Consent form (or State-approved agency form) must be signed and on file.
- This data element must be changed to No if the consent form is rescinded.
- Otherwise mark No (default)
Student Assessment Record
Every assessment administered for the purposes of educational functioning level placement and advancement must be recorded in LACES and include the following information:
- Date Assessed (RF)
- Record the date the assessment was administered.
- EXCEPTION: The LACES business rules stipulate that any attendance recorded on the same day as an assessment is considered attendance hours after the assessment. If this interferes with the calculation of “hours since last assessment”, agencies may post-date the assessment by one day.
- Assessment Instrument (RF)
- Use the provided dialog screen to choose the administered assessment.
- Scaled Score (RF)
- Enter the scaled score
- Determine the scaled score per test publisher instructions.
- Select Subject
- Do not use the Select Subject box on the assessment card; this field was programmed based on FY tracking, not PoP tracking. See below to update the subject based on PoP
- If the learner was assessed in multiple subject areas (e.g. reading and math) and you must override the subject area predetermined by the software, click the Move Forward/Subject Selection icon (the circle with the arrow at the end of the assessment row for an existing assessment) to the right of the assessment you wish the student to be tracked in.
- The selected subject area will be used for NRS placement on Tables 1 and 4
- A gain in ANY subject area within the PoP for which the student has both a pre- and post-test will be used to indicate EFL gain as an MSG in a PoP (with the understanding that on Table 4, students get credit for only one gain per PoP).
HSE Assessments
While High School Equivalency tests are not authorized for educational functioning level placement, successfully passing all of the tests can be used to demonstrate completion of an MSG. Achieving a Nevada Certificate of High School Equivalency may also demonstrate a successful WIOA core outcome. Agencies may choose to track HSE test scores (including retakes) in the learner’s Assessment folder. Alternatively, agencies may choose to record the achievement of the HSE in the learner’s Diploma folder instead. It is a best practice to always record the achievement of the HSE Secondary Credential in the learner’s Diploma Folder, even if recorded as an assessment.
Student Class Enrollment Record
Every student must have a Student Class Enrollment record for every class attended. The class enrollment record must contain the following information:
- IETP status (RM)
- IETP: Indicates enrollment in an Integrated Education and Training Program but will likely not attain a credential within the reporting year. Will populate Table 3 as an IETP student but will not auto-populate Table 5 outcome cohort of “Attain a PS Credential”.
- IETP/Credential: Indicates enrollment in an Integrated Education and Training Program with the intent to earn a credential within the reporting year. Will populate Table 3 as an IETP student and will auto-populate Table 5 outcome cohort of “Attain a PSE Credential”.
- Student Enroll Date (RM)
- Record the date of enrollment into the class.
- Student Start Date (RM)
- Record the date on which the student is anticipated to being attending the class.
- Student End Date (RM)
- Record the end date of enrollment
- May be before the end date of the class if the student exited early.
- May not be later than the class end date.
- May not be prior to attendance hours already entered for the student.
- Enroll Status (RM)
- Mark “Enrolled” for active students.
- Mark “Completed Class” or other appropriate choice when the student is no longer enrolled. The various “exit” statuses do not affect NRS tables other than to indicate if the student is still currently enrolled or has exited, and exit will not be officially reported for NRS purposes until the student has gone 90+ days without hours or scheduled services.
Student Class Hours Record
All student attendance must be recorded in LACES on a Student Class Hours Record. The attendance record must include the following information:
- Date (RF)
- Attendance may be entered on a daily basis or may be aggregated and entered as a batch (weekly, monthly, etc.)
- Batch sizes should not be larger than 31 days
- For daily attendance enter the actual date of attendance.
- When entering hours as a batch, use the last day of the batch period.
- All attendance record dates must be within the start and end dates of the respective class.
- Hours (RF)
- Record the actual attendance hours for each student.
- For partial hours, do not round to anything larger than ¼ of an hour.
- Type of Hours (RF)
- Mark one of these two choices, as appropriate:
- Instruction
- Regular in-person attendance
- Instruction – Distance Education
- When attendance meets one of the distance education types as specified in the Nevada Adult Education Distance Education Policy.
There are many different ways to enter attendance data into LACES. While each method may have its own required data, all methods must be able to produce a record with the information required by the state.
Student Core Outcome Information
Agencies should attempt a follow-up contact with every student that belongs to a follow-up core outcome cohort. Students that provide a Social Security Number may be excused from follow-up. The records must include the following information, as appropriate.
Work History Records
Work History Records record a learner’s employment history as it is made available to the program. An initial work history record is created automatically by LACES from the employment status field when entering a new student record. Subsequent work history records are added when the program learns of an update via direct notice from the student or supplemental wage information survey, or by the state as a result of a data match.
Work History records are intended as a chronological list. New records are created to record the employment status at a particular date. Always add new records, do not change the status of an existing record. Create a new Work History record for returning students.
- Start Date (RF)
- For enrolled students:
- Enter the actual start date of employment if known. If unknown, enter the first day of the current fiscal quarter.
- For exited students:
- Refer to the specific state policy on recording supplemental wage information.
- Start Date should be a date within the 2nd quarter after exit or fourth quarter after exit to indicate the follow-up was done within the correct follow-up quarter.
- Employment Status (RF)
- Choose the appropriate status (employed, unemployed, etc.)
- Occupation
- Description
- Employer Name
- Type of Employer
- Employer Address
- Employer Contact
- Salary
- Not used for NRS reporting, see Earnings below.
- Earnings (RF)
- Enter the dollar amount the participant earns during the Earnings Period.
- If the earnings period is Hourly, enter the number of hours per week in the Earnings Period Hours field.
- Enter the estimated salary or minimum wage if the student will not provide earnings information but is employed. There must be a non-zero numeric value in this field for an employed outcome to populate.
- Earnings Period (RF)
- Choose the appropriate period for the stated earnings (Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, etc.)
- Earnings Number of Hours (RF)
- This field is only available when Earnings Period is weekly.
- Enter the number of hours worked per week.
- Quarterly Earnings
- No input required. This filed is auto-calculated from the Earnings and Earnings Period.
Student Diploma Record
Student Diploma Info records are used to track student secondary credentials (High School Equivalency credentials and High School diplomas). Recording High School diplomas earned prior to intake is optional.
- Diploma/Credential Type: (RF)
- Choose the appropriate diploma type.
- For HSE, choose the test that was used (GED, HiSET, TASC).
- Expected Award Date
- Not used, record credentials only after award.
- Date Earned (RF)
- Enter the date the credential was earned.
- Actual Award Date
- Not used.
- Diploma/Credential Name **
- Description/Number **
- Person’s Name Displayed on Diploma **
- Completed Requirements
- Not used.
- By Exam Only
- Not used.
LACES facilitates the collection of HSE information in different ways. In addition to entering an HSE as a Diploma Info record, HSE test scores can be entered as an assessment. Using the Diploma Info record is especially useful when individual HSE test scores are not available. It is a best practice to always record the achievement of the HSE Secondary Credential in the learner’s Diploma Folder, even if recorded as an assessment.
Postsecondary Education (PSE) or Training Record: Enrolled into PSE or Training AND/OR Attained a Postsecondary Credential
Student PSE and Training Enrollment and Credential Attainment records are used to track Outcome Measures and MSG’s. This information should always be entered into LACES; the same information can potentially populate as an MSG or Outcome depending on the criteria and exit information. Education tab>Postsecondary Education or Training panel.
- Postsecondary Institution Type: (RF)
- Choose the appropriate postsecondary type of “Education” or “Training”
- Enroll Date: (RF)
- Enter the date on which the student enrolled into the PSE or training
- If the enroll date is prior to the student’s exit date from adult education (based on the last hours date in LACES), this cannot count for the MSG of Enrolled into PSE or Training
- If the enroll date is prior to attainment of a high school equivalency, this cannot count for the outcome measure of Attained a Secondary School Diploma or recognized equivalent and Enrolled in PSE or Training
- Only Postsecondary Institution Type and Enroll Date are required for indicating Enrollment into PSE or Training. Additional fields are required for indicating Attainment of a Postsecondary Credential:
- Credential Attained: (RF)
- The type of credential attained; must be a state approved postsecondary credential.
- According to OCTAE guidance, proprietary trade schools cannot be used for PSE or training outcomes.
- Date Earned: (RF)
- The date on which the student earned the postsecondary credential
- Must be after the Enroll Date
Student Educational Information Record
The Student Educational Information record is created with data supplied from the student intake form.
- Date First Intake
- This date should reflect the very first date of intake into you program.
- This field is not updated after initial intake.
- Additional enrollment dates are automatically tracked in the History>Enrollment Program History/Overall Status History panels.
- Highest Education Level Completed on Entry
- This field is set to the student’s education level that corresponds to the “Date First Intake” field.
- This field is not updated after initial intake.
- If a returning student has a blank entry, refer to the Demographics Record for instructions.
- Highest Education Level Completed on Entry Location
- Mark one of the choices as appropriate.
- This field is not updated after initial intake.
LACES uses this field to determine if a student is measured and reported as an ESL learner, or as an ABE/ASE learner.
- When marked “Yes” by checking the provided checkbox:
- LACES uses an administered pretest assessment to place students in one of the six ESL educational functioning levels
- LACES uses subsequent assessments to measure ESL educational level gain
- When marked “No” by leaving the provided checkbox blank:
- LACES uses an administered pretest assessment to place students in one of the six ABE educational functioning levels
- LACES uses subsequent assessments to measure ABE educational level gain
- This field must be set appropriately at the beginning of each year prior to administration of any assessments.
- Once set, the ESL field should not be changed midyear. This applies even if the student moves from ESL programming to ABE programming, or vise-a-versa.
Student Goals Record
These NRS secondary outcomes remain goal driven:
- Achieve work-based project learning goal
- Achieve citizenship skills
- Vote or register to vote
- Increased involvement in community activities
- Leave public assistance
- Increased involvement in child's education
- Increased involvement in child's literacy activities
Each record must contain the following information:
- Date Set (RF)
- Enter the date the goal was set.
- Date Met (RF)
- When creating the record, leave blank.
- When the goal has been met, record the date of goal attainment
- Status (RF)
- Select one of the following values as appropriate:
- Active: This should be used for all new goals set by the student in the current fiscal year and not yet met.
- Unmet: This should be used at the end of a fiscal year to indicate if the student did not meet an active goal within the fiscal year. If the student continues in your program in the following fiscal year, the goal should be entered again as a new, active goal in the new fiscal year, after changing the old goal to Unmet.
- Met: This should be used to indicate that the student has met the goal. This will automatically be set by the database if a Met Date is entered.
- Achievement: This should be used if the student obtained an unintended outcome, or met a prior fiscal year goal. Unintended outcomes are goals that the student met without initially setting it as a goal. Goals are also considered achievements if the student set the goal in a prior fiscal year and met it in a later fiscal year.
- Goal (RF)
- Select the appropriate goal
Student Unlinked Hours Record
Student Unlinked Hours record provides a means to account for student attendance that is not linked to any class activity.
Whenever possible, attendance hours are to be recorded as class hours. In the event that a Student Unlinked Hours record is used to record attendance, the record must include the following information:
- Date (RF)
- Enter the date for the hours
- Type (RF)
- Choose one of the following, as appropriate:
- Instruction
- Instruction – Distance Learning
- Hours Present (RF)
- Record the actual amount of hours
- Do not round to values larger than ¼ hour.
It is advised that a note be added to the student’s Comment folder describing the reason for the unlinked hours.
Optional Student Records
Services>Accommodations: The Student Accommodations folder allows you to track any necessary accommodations requested by the student due to apparent or disclosed disabilities.
Student Data>Documents: Allows you to upload student documents for data validation/evidence.
History>Address History: The Student Address History folder allows you to track the student’s Address History over their time in your program. (The student’s current address can be updated directly in the Key Info folder without retaining history of the previous address.)
Student Data>Comments: The Student Comments folder allows you to track any comments added to the student record during their time in your program.
Demographics>Corrections: The Student Corrections folder allows you to record inmate specific information related to students in a corrections program.
History>Fiscal Year: The Student Fiscal Year folder contains summary fiscal year information regarding the student for current and past fiscal years. The records are read-only. The current fiscal year record is updated when new fiscal year summary records are created, either manually by your program or automatically by LACES.
Demographics>Health Data: The Student Health Data folder allows you to track health data that may affect the student’s ability to learn and attend to instruction.
Demographics>Identification: The Student Identification folder allows you to track any identifying documentation used by your students. This folder is used mainly to add forms of identification in addition to the Social Security Number. The SSN would be entered or edited here if not added at intake.
Education>Instructional Areas: The Student Instructional Areas folder allows you to track instructional data for your students. This would be program specific information. Neither the state nor NRS use this data.
Education>Language: The Student Languages folder allows you to track native, spoken, written, and read languages used by your student.
History>Level History: The Student Level History folder shows the educational functioning levels (EFL) obtained and completed by the student. Do not manually add or edit any records in this folder.
Education>Material: The Student Material folder contains material data populated from the Materials tab. Data in the Material folder cannot be added to or modified from the student folder, but only viewed. Changes would need to be made in the Material record in the Material tab.
History>Overall Status History: The Student Overall Status History folder shows you the overall status history of the student during their time in your program. The folder is read-only.
Student Data>Preferences: The intention of the preferences folder is to match a student with a compatible pair or group. Not currently setup for Nevada.
Student Data>Personal Data: The Student Personal Data folder allows you to track personal data for your students. This is similar to the Keywords and Custom Fields in that it primarily exists to allow you to track information that is not already a pre-generated field in LACES.
History>Enrollment Program History: The Student Enrollment Program panel shows you the program registration history for the student. All students should be registered as “Adult Education” per Nevada policy. This folder will show the history of any changes. Do not add or edit records in this folder. Use the Student KeyInfo folder to make changes to the student’s program registration type.
Services>Referrals: A student may be referred by another provider, or referred to another provider for reasons determined by the agency and/or student. You may track that information here if desired.
Services>Social Services: The Student Social Services folder allows you to track social services received by your students.
Class Records
For every instructional class period where one or more students accrue attendance hours, a class record in LACES must exist.
Class Data Record
- Start Date (RM)
- While it is preferred that the date coincides with the first day of instruction, certain classes may need to have a start date that is on a significant day such as the first day of the fiscal year or semester.
- The start date may not be earlier that July 1 of the fiscal year.
- End Date (RM)
- While it is preferred that the date coincides with the last day of instruction, certain classes may need to have an end date that is on a significant day such as the last day of the fiscal year or semester.
- The class end date may not be later that June 30 of the fiscal year.
- Course Number (RM)
- Every class must have an agency assigned course number.
- May be alphanumeric.
- Does not have to be unique.
- Title (RM)
- Every class must have an agency assigned title.
- The title should be concise and descriptive.
- Does not have to be unique.
- Program (RM)
- Assign one of the following program types, as appropriate:
- Adult Education
- General purpose ABE program type
- General purpose English language program type
- Use for any ESL class that is funded wholly, or in part, with IELCE grant funds.
- Status (RM)
- Choose the appropriate class status (Active, Prospective, etc.) Note that students cannot be enrolled into a class with the Status of Prospective, Scheduled or Completed
- Max Enroll (RM)
- Enter the maximum number of students to enroll in this class.
- This field is useful to prevent overfilling a class. Set to high number for open enrollment classes.
- Department **
- Description **
- Term (RM)
- Choose the fiscal year term for the class (e.g. 2016-2017, 2017-2018, etc.).
- Instruction at 9th Grade Level or above
- Only use this checkbox if all students enrolled in this class are expected to attain their high school equivalency within the fiscal year. This box is used to indicate evidence of instruction at a 9th grade level or above for inclusion on the Table 5 outcomes required such evidence, and students enrolled in a class with this indicator will automatically be included in the cohort for the educational Table 5 outcomes.
- Days **
- Times **
- Bldg./Room **
- Location **
- Location Detail **
- Class Keyword **
- Level **
- For information only. Does not influence the students’ educational functioning level.
Class Instructor Record
- Assigned Staff
- Every class must have at least one staff member assigned.
- When multiple staffs are assigned, one must be designated as primary.
Staff Records
Every staff member directly involved with grant funded activities must have a staff record in LACES. Every staff record must include the following information:
- Title/Prefix
- Last Name (RM)
- First Name (RM)
- Middle Name
- Including middle name when necessary to avoid duplications. (RM)
- Maintain in HR records elsewhere.
- Overall Status (RM)
- Choose appropriate status (Active, On Hold, Left)
- Classification (FM)
- Choose appropriate type
- Top-level administrators are always classified as administrators even if they also teach.
- For other multiple-role employees, choose the classification with the highest FTE.
- You can also add additional classifications in the Staff Data tab>Classifications panel. Staff cannot be listed with multiple full-time classifications.
- Employment Status (FM)
- Regular Staff – choose this for paid employees
- Volunteer or Volunteer tutor – choose this for unpaid staff.
- Contractor – DO NOT USE
- Full-Time (FM)
- Mark Yes if the employee is a full-time paid employee.
- Mark No for part-time employees and volunteers.
- Hire Date **
- Start Date (RF)
- Enter the date the employee started working with your specific adult education program.
- Years Teaching Experience in Adult Ed (FM)
- Enter the number of years of teaching experience in adult education only. Do not include teaching experience in primary, secondary, or postsecondary education.
- One complete class session or other structured period of teaching in a fiscal year or more counts as one year of instruction.
- Update this field annually for all active teachers. (FM)
- Highest Degree/Diploma Earned. **
- Prior Related Experience-Years **
- Prior Teaching Experience-Years **
- Program **
- Department **
- Staff Keyword **
- Position Title **
- Address 1 **
- Address 2 **
- Zip **
- City **
- County **
- State **
- Mail Preference **
- Home Phone **
- Mobile Phone **
- Work Phone **
- Email **
- Contact Preference **
- Birthdate **
- Gender **
- Ethnicity **
Staff data tab>key info panel
The Staff Key Info panel allows for edits and updates to the Staff Record.
Staff data>classifications panel
Allows updates to classifications or additions for staff with multiple roles. Staff cannot have multiple full-time classifications listed.
Staff data>credentials panel
Staff Credential records are used to track various credentials and certificates a staff member may hold. Recording of certain credentials for teachers is required (see policy statement below), while other teacher certificates and credential are optional. Recording credentials for non-teaching staff is optional.
If staff member classified as a teacher holds any of the following, it must be recorded.
Staff Credential record
- Adult Education Certification— credential issued by an accredited college or university for a degree or coursework that focuses on teaching adults (does not include the Nevada Adult Basic Educators Certificate of Performance).
- K-12 Certification— a credential recognized by the State that focuses on teaching children.
- Special Education Certification— a credential recognized by the State that focuses on teaching children or adults with disabilities or special needs.
- TESOL Certification— a credential recognized by the State that focuses on teaching English to speakers of other languages.
- Credential/Certification Type: (FM)
- Choose the appropriate type.
- Expected Award Date
- Not used, record credentials only after award.
- Date Earned (RM): Must be entered for the data to be capture for Table 7.
- Actual Award Date
- Not used.
- Name of Credential or Certificate **
- Diploma/Credential Type **
- Description/Number **
- Person’s Name Displayed on Diploma **
- Completed Requirements
- By Exam Only
Staff Assignments tab
While assigning teachers to classes is usually handled at the class record, this provides an alternative method. It also allows for the viewing and managing of all of the class assignments a teacher may have.
Optional Staff Records
Staff Data>Documents: Allows you to upload staff documents you may wish to have on file.
Hours tab: The Staff Hours panel allows you to track any hours worked in classes assigned to the staff member.
History>Fiscal Year: The Staff Fiscal Year panel contains summary fiscal year information regarding the staff member for current and past fiscal years. The records are read-only. The current fiscal year record is updated when new fiscal year summary records are created.
History>Staff History: The Staff History panel is populated automatically based on the status of the staff member. Additionally, you can add data or make edits to the staff history record.
History>Work History: The Staff Work History panel allows you to track the staff member’s employment history over their time in your program.
Staff Data>Material: The Staff Material panel contains material data populated from the Materials tab. Data in the Material panel cannot be added to or modified from the staff panel, but only viewed. Changes would need to be made in the Material record in the Material tab.
Staff Data>Comments: The Staff Comments panel allows you to track any comments added to the staff record during their time in your program.
Professional Development tab: Allows you to track professional development hours earned through attending trainings or conferences.